hamilton arbitration

hamilton arbitration

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First Oil 2020

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Tested Caribbean and Latin America Expertise


Experienced arbitrator with commercial and investment arbitration expertise in Latin America and the Caribbean


Calvin Hamilton has been on both sides of a dispute – as counsel and as arbitrator. This highly regarded professional is experienced with all of the leading arbitral institutions and arbitrators. He is knowledgeable of every stage of the arbitration process, from pre-arbitration litigation to post-award enforcement proceedings. As counsel, Mr. Hamilton was consistently described by clients and industry observers as someone who would strive to provide seamless advice across related areas, in all cases stressing the importance of non-contentious strategies based on risk avoidance and, where this may not be feasible, pinpointing the most cost-effective method of dispute resolution. His counsel decreased uncertainty and increased confidence to facilitate the right business decisions.


Even before the advent of the new normal, and before Calvin became a full-time arbitrator, he understood that  today’s interdependent world economic conditions had made the traditional legal firm an anachronism. Modern technology had made it possible to recruit expertise from all over the world in real time. Now, we also know that all aspects of an arbitration, including the case management and hearings, can be conducted seamlessly using virtual technology.


As a Chartered Arbitrator, Calvin commits to undertake each legal issue through the lens of cultural awareness. Cultural customs, as much as language, are frequently the cause of deep-seated misconceptions. Speaking a language alone, or even engaging an interpreter, is simply not enough when legal matters, contracts, courts and, more crucially, expectations are involved. Calvin possesses the multilingual and multidisciplinary skill sets that are as conversant with Spain and Spanish, the Commonwealth Caribbean, US, EU, Latin American business culture and customs.


Calvin’s Latin America and Caribbean-focused expertise demonstrate, not only his deftness in areas of legal competence, but that he has also, over the years, built up a network of contacts and local knowledge that is invaluable in conducting arbitrations in the region.


He is able to conduct arbitrations arising from projects and cases in Latin America and the Caribbean in both Spanish and English, as he is fluent in Spanish and additionally has a working knowledge of Portuguese. Significantly, he is also trained in the common law and civil law legal traditions of the regions. He is admitted to practice in New York and Madrid, Spain.

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  • a team that we put together according to your needs, in carefully chosen, target areas in which we have the necessary expertise, be it international commercial, investor-state or domestic arbitration, litigation, mediation, negotiations, etc.
  • a team vetted and approved by you.
  • a team that can call upon and include a range of pre-selected experts in ancillary fields, both domestic and international, as and when the need arises.
  • a compact, streamlined team that will waste none of your time and money, and that will report to and consult and liaise with you at every stage.


This is our commitment. And this is what sets us apart.

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